By now, I hope you’ve heard about Ivie, our intelligent voice platform designed for MSPs. This blog series will explore the applications of this new platform and provide insight into the best ways you can leverage it to drive customer success.

But before diving into how Ivie will benefit you and your customers, I want to take a step back and talk through the why. Why did Cytracom decide to create Ivie—and why partners should care?

We laid the foundation for Ivie when we opened our doors 10 years ago. Frustrated with the VoIP options available to us as MSPs, we knew we had to deliver a service that was different. We knew we needed the flexibility to meet MSPs—those best equipped to deliver VoIP to end customers—wherever they were at. For us, that meant building our own proprietary platform, rather than leasing from another vendor. Having our own platform would free us to take our voice solution in whichever direction the future, and our partners, would dictate.

Flash forward to 2017, a year focused heavily on scaling our platform, our processes and our people. Having built out these items, we were now at a point of maturation where we could shift our focus to what matters most to us: enabling our MSP partners. As a channel-only company, our partners are the lifeblood of our business. We have always invested heavily in the MSP community—and we intend to continue doing so for years to come.

So, our team went heads down with one question in mind: how can we better empower our partners to deliver voice services? We began by digging into common MSP pain points—and what we discovered was eye-opening.

Being a business owner is hard.

But, it’s a lot harder when you don’t have control over the solutions you offer.

Through all our conversations amongst ourselves and with partners, this central theme emerged. Most MSPs offering voice services experience a level of uncertainty around selling and supporting VoIP due to a perceived lack of control over the solution. We discovered three critical items that partners need to mitigate this uncertainty and deliver VoIP with confidence:

  1. Better visibility: MSPs need a window into the health and performance of the voice services they deploy.
  2. More control: They need a single pane of glass to manage all customers’ services seamlessly.
  3. Deep insight: They need access to information to make the best decisions for their customers.

With these three items in mind, we built Ivie. Our intelligent voice platform empowers MSPs to finally deliver voice services with confidence. Confidence that they can monitor and report on the quality of customers’ services. Confidence that they will be the first to know if and when issues arise. And confidence that they will have the tools necessary to optimize their customers’ experiences. In that, Ivie is a powerful agent of change for VoIP and the MSP community.