Eligible pre-orders placed by the Partner for the new ControlOne product will be billed at 50% of the standard standard wholesale rate for the first six months of pre-paid monthly billing beginning on or about April 25, 2022 (through sixth regular monthly billing date, which will occur on or about September 25, 2022)
ControlOne pre-orders must be placed within Cytracom Partner Portal by April 25, 2022
Terms and Conditions
This promotional offer may not be combined with any other SPIFF, bonus program or other discounts.
In order to be eligible for this promotion:
Partner must be and remain in good standing with the Cytracom partnership program, meeting all program requirements at the time the promotion is applied and through the full six month period during which Partner is eligible for discount. Partner shall not at any time be in default or breach of any of the terms and conditions set forth in the Cytracom Partner Agreement (https://www.cytracom.com/legal/partner).
Partner must be and remain in good standing with the terms of the Cytracom Resale Agreement - Security/Connectivity Application and Services (https://www.cytracom.com/legal/partner-security), entered into by Partner through the application process available while signed into the Cytracom Partner Portal, at the time the promotion is applied and through the full six month period during which Partner is eligible for discount.
Cytracom reserves the right to amend or terminate this promotion, in whole or in part, at any time without notice in its sole discretion. Cytracom reserves the right to recover from Partner any incentives or unbilled wholesale services (for example, as a result of the 50% discount offered within this promotion) as the result of the Partner’s non-performance of any of its obligations to Cytracom.